Sunday, April 28, 2019

6th project, 4th concentration. They paint

Progress pictures

Describe: This piece shows my two characters, smudge and paintbrush together in Paintbrush's art studio with both of them painting. Paintbrush is cheerful and encouraging smudge, whos somewhat panicked and uncomfortable as he doesn't really know what he's doing. people are supposed to approach this with an open view, mainly focusing on the two in the front. their eyes are then to move to the painting the two are working on, paintbrush's side is gentle and pleasing to the eye while smudges side is cruel and childish. the medium for this was digital and took three days to complete.\

analyze: there really isn't a specific time period this piece is based on. the two of them are around 23 in this piece so their current age in the story they are from (mine). theres at least two principals of design within this piece, harmony balance. theres harmony in this piece because there is beautiful combination of colors. theres balance because theres a good balance between light and shading. the only reference for this piece is an old version of it I did which will be posted at the end of the post.

interpret: theres not too much behind this piece, besides these to characters who are very close to me as I've had paintbrush for about 6 years, even though i just recently designed him. I hope anyone who views this piece will feel the connection between these two characters as they are very close which is what I did my best to convey in this piece. 

Judge: this piece of mine turned out very well, the colors especially. I enjoyed then filter I put over the line art and everything else as it really emphasized the shading and lighting. I probably could have done the poses and paint cans and background a little better, but I definitely conveyed their heights and personalities well. 

contemporary artist: david lovenvberg

master artist: Dianne dengal

Friday, March 22, 2019

5th project: Concentration 3: Sleepy Babies


describe: My piece is fairly simplistic, it shows my two characters, Paintbrush and smudge sleeping. in this piece they are a bit younger than in my other pieces, at least in their late teens. Paintbrush is cuddled up against a pillow, his face squished and twisted as if he is having a nightmare. Smudge is sprawled out on his back, his mouth hanging open showing how comfortable he is.

overarching statement
my overarching statement for the concentration was interactions between opposites.

How They Connect: They all connect because each piece is a different point of their lives.

my original Idea is progressing because with each piece I do I improve on my art style as well as trying out different shading techniques. Its also progressing because with each piece I try a different situation. I think that My Concentration is progressing and changing quite nicely, which I enjoy, I'm improving on not only poses but also shading, backgrounds and also shading.

I don't really have anybody I have been referencing as of late. which is probably a problem,  as references are important, I use pose memes on pintrest though. mainly for inspiration more than an actual reference.

Friday, February 8, 2019

4th project, 1st concentration piece. Photoshoot fun.

My concentration is to show how opposites interact, as smudge (on the right) and paintbrush (on the left) are complete opposites, despite being identical twins.

Describe: This piece is supposed to represent a snapshot of the two's life, showcasing smudge, and paintbrush during a photoshoot, (which is why the background is a blue gradient). Smudge does not enjoy wearing any form of constricting fabric on the top half of his body while paintbrush dislikes wearing pants. the reason for this is deep seeded and would take far too long to explain. The piece itself shows smudge and paintbrush standing next to each other, posing for a picture, Paintbrush is happily smiling (little do you know that he threw a massive fit before the photoshoot, until they decided to let him not wear pants) while smudge is awkwardly tugging at his shirt but still forcing a smile. 

Analyze: The title itself brings attention to the fact, that this is a photoshoot, while smudge is uncomfortable, implying that the word 'fun' is sarcasm. the only time in this piece would probably have been when they were still in their teens, as that is both a little after their fur changed and they moved in together with an older friend. there are at least two principles of design, Contrast and balance. Contrast is used because the two characters are quite different in color (and obviously personality) while paintbrush is bright and colorful, smudge is dull and muted. Balance is also an aspect as the two are placed proportionally on the piece. 

Interpret: There is not much of a 'deep' meaning behind this. each piece will be designed to be a snapshot of the two's life. Paintbrush originally came from a character I created a long time ago, while smudge was created by drawing and angry paintbrush. the specific meaning behind this piece is to show that smudge and paintbrush, while being related have such vast differences in both appearance and personality. I like to make characters that are related and have vast differences so this was a fun challenge to see how I could show their differences.

Judge: with this piece, I am very proud of how the expressions turned out, even though the poses looked kind of stiff. I definitely could have improved on that aspect. My lineart and coloring turned out well, even though I definitely could have done the shading better and more naturally, even though the intention was to make it clear the light in front of them is very intense. I think I showed my concentration reasonably well with this piece even though the next one will most likely turn out much better and with more of a background. 

Master artist: Marcus Tuscher

Contemporary artist: Denver Family Photographers